I don't know if it is available anymore at the time you are reading this, but you can make a RGB light out of anything, at least if it contains PWM controlable red, green and blue lights. SPOEKA TM exists in two versions, one with a green/blue color and another one with a red/orange color. So to get a real RGB light, i needed to replace some of the LEDs. In the final version, i also removed the built-in rechargeable batteries. This mod is based on the hack by Dan Trandi . The original micro controller is removed and the three LED control lines are connected to an ATmega328. As with all Caretaker projects, remote control is established through a WiFly WLAN module.
I am using this lamp as a status display. Different colors can tell you if you have new mails or voicebox messages. If you are a software developer, you can use it to display the status of your last integration build.
The circuit is quite simple. WLAN module - ATmega328 - Voltage regulator. To make it fit into the SPOEKA TM light, it is designed as a two layer SMD board. If you got some SMD hand soldering experience, this board is not difficult to build.
The firmware is currently quite simple. There are two comands MSG_RGB_WRITE and MSG _RGB_READ which let you write and read the color by specifying the red, green and blue color components.
The Caretaker source code is hosted at GitHub:
Subdirectory: caretaker-device-dimmerrgb
It contains the source code and all Eagle (V6) PCB layout files.