6502 Homecomputer
This is a project that I've often started, but haven't completed until now because i knew that it would take quite a long time: building my own 8-bit home computer from scratch. The idea was to design a computer like the C64, almost only using parts that were available when this computer was manufactured.
Read more... Analog Computer Construction Kit
Inspired by Dr. Vogels Home Brew Analog Computer , this kit consists of various 100x60 cm PCB cards which can be connected together with 2.54 mm jumpers. Connect the various input and outputs of generators, adders, integrators and multipliers to compute different mathematical functions.
Read more... Sunrise Alarm Clock
A wake-up light, built with Elixir, Nerves, running on a Raspberry Pi Zero. This project explores how Elixir/Erlang OTP can be used to develop robust and thoroughly tested embedded systems.
Read more... Smarkant
This work extends the IKEA-Hackant project from Robin Reiter, who reverse engineered the controller board of an IKEA Bekant motorized adjustable table. In my project i connected an ESP-12F module (ESP8266) to the Arduino, which gives us WiFi and quite some processing power to add additional IoT functions to the Bekant table.